How PSN Works

Over the past decade, PSN has developed strategic relationships across the media industry to ensure that your outreach dollars yield results. Our experienced marketing team offers a mix of new and traditional distribution channels to ensure your campaign will get noticed during all day-parts, not just during remnant overnight slots or otherwise undesirable inventory that could not be sold.

PSN breaks the PSA marketing paradigm for nonprofits nationwide. Since 2004 we have been developing relationships and providing quality PSA content to thousands of traditional media outlets (television, radio and cable), digital networks, out-of-home and place-based channels, and strategic industry stakeholder organizations. PSN serves as a PSA resource for thousands of media outlets looking to fill their unsold inventory with meaningful messaging that benefits and informs their communities.

PSN is pleased to present the following PSA distribution options:

Network Highlights

  • Specialists in nonprofit and government PSA campaigns
  • Guaranteed PSA distribution
  • Nielsen tracking provided for TV & Radio programs
  • 200,000+ media outlets nationwide
  • Built-in earned media value
  • Low-cost traditional and unconventional channels
  • Integrated campaigns with measurable impact
  • and more!

Distribution Channels

PSN Media Wall

PSN Donated TV

PSN distributes your PSA through targeted pitches and relationships with 2,100+ local TV stations, nationwide broadcast, and cable networks.

PSN Radio

PSN Donated Radio

PSN Traditional Radio provides broadcast radio PSA placement on a donated basis on 7,500+ opt-in radio stations and networks nationwide.

PSN Digital Radio

PSN Digital Radio delivers 15 and 30-second audio PSAs to consumers across their digital devices (computers, smartphones, etc.)


This channel includes the use of :15 and :30 second spots on a variety of paid television channels with target market reach.

PSN Paid Radio

PSN places your PSA in selected markets and stations through nationwide radio network partners.

PSN Digital Video

Targeted digital video from Comcast with monthly metrics reporting.

PSN Email

Target your message to an opt-in list of highly qualified recipients to ensure your campaign is successful.


PSN In-Store

PSN has pioneered the distribution of PSAs over the audio networks within more than 15,000 grocery, drug and retail stores.

PSN Theater

PSN Theater reaches movie-goers via video messages both in movie theaters and lobbies.

PSN Airport

PSN Airport displays targeted video PSAs on video screens at the boarding gates and baggage claim areas in the nation’s largest hub airports.

PSN Digital News Pre-Roll Video

Targeted digital video from a major national news network with monthly metrics reporting.

PSN Billboard

PSN Billboard places PSAs on billboards in high-traffic locations nationwide.

PSN Transit 

PSN Transit places PSAs on a guaranteed and low-cost basis in transit locations nationwide that reach pedestrians, vehicle passengers, and drivers.


PSN Concerts

PSN Entertainment distributes PSAs via live entertainment websites, ticketing websites, and artist and entertainment social media networks.


PSN Digital Radio

PSN Digital Radio delivers 15 and 30-second audio PSAs to consumers across digital devices (computers, smartphones, etc.).

PSN Grassroots

PSN Grassroots outreach establishes relationships with stakeholder organizations and their members.


PSN Pharma

PSN Pharma communicates health information directly to patients via more than 18,000 pharmacy counters nationwide.

PSN Waiting Room

PSN Waiting Room

PSN Waiting Room reaches clinicians, patients, and caregivers nationwide at the point of care.


PSN Public Media

PSN has joined forces with National Public Radio (NPR) to provide nationwide audio PSA distribution on NPR’s flagship programs and digital networks.


Looking for a PSA to complement your program schedule? PSAbank has a vast array of highly produced PSAs to choose from.


PSN launched PSAwire – an online media clearinghouse exclusively for use by state and local nonprofit and government organizations.

PSN Facebook

PSN Social Media

PSA ads will be posted using Facebook, a social network popular with many demographics.