PSN Paid Radio | Paid Placement

PSN places your PSA in selected markets and stations through nationwide radio network partners.

PSN has partnered with major national radio networks to expand PSN’s audio coverage nationwide. The PSN program includes access to thousands of live broadcast stations and networks with coverage in markets across the country. PSN will leverage the power of programmatic solutions with a radio program that includes broadcast radio to reach an adult 18+ audience and Hispanic populations nationwide cost-effectively. The program has been specifically designed to reach these key audiences by selecting the broadcast stations with coverage by DMA, state, or nationwide. The desired audience can be effectively reached by using stations and networks with specific formats that are popular with the targeted demographic groups. PSN continues innovating its services based on emerging technologies, including radio digital streaming via the internet. This technology is accessible anywhere at any time allowing your PSA messaging to be distributed on cross-platform devices, including smart TVs, tablets, computers, laptops, and smartphones. Streaming means the content you are listening to is brought to you directly from the internet and may be integrated with a radio broadcast program to add frequency of messaging and a digital dimension to the campaign.

PSN’s Paid Radio program includes:

  • Research distribution options for client review and approval.
  • Coordinate spot delivery with participating radio stations and networks.
  • Provide the client with monthly updates and a final report with audience metrics such as impression reach.

Purchase Options

  See pricing options for government agencies, agency partners and qualified nonprofit agencies by clicking here.