PSN Digital News Pre-Roll Video | Streaming PSAs

Targeted digital video from a major national news network with monthly metrics reporting.

The pre-roll video program is highly targeted using geographic, demographic, and contextual/behavioral filters. Pre-roll video requires the viewer to watch the entire :15 or :30 second PSA prior to receiving their requested video (this program is non-skippable).

Digital News Pre-Roll Video package includes (at no added cost):

  • Demographic, geographic, and contextual targeting.
  • Nationwide reach with no geotargeting restrictions. Major market and network partners provide streaming access to news on topics that will resonate with targeted audiences.
  • Metrics include: Click-Through-Rates (CTR), Video-Completion-Rates (VCR), and impressions.
  • PSN’s National network partners are highly regarded brands with reach to hundreds of millions of users nationwide and internationally. Guaranteed Impressions: 225,000