The Pipeline Operators for Ag Safety (POAS) would appreciate your station or network’s participation in airing its PSA series entitled- Farm and Ranch 811 Safety Campaign. The campaign includes two (2) 30-second audio PSA’s- one features a rancher from Texas and the other a Minnesota farmer. The mission of this program is to protect those who farm and ranch near underground utilities and pipelines by promoting call 811 and safe work procedures.
Campaign Description
Digging and operating heavy equipment on farms and ranches across the country can cause damage to underground pipelines and utility lines. These pipeline strikes by those digging and operating equipment can cause serious injury, including burns, asphyxiation, and electrocution. POAS is offering farmers and ranchers a variety of free resources to help keep them safe and to avoid costly damage and service outages that may affect their local communities. These resources and other information are available at
- According to statistics published by the Common Ground Alliance, underground utility lines and pipelines were damaged on average three times every day in 2014 by farming and ranching activities.
- Under certain circumstances, pipelines and utility lines can be buried 10 to 20 feet from marker signs, and they don’t always follow a straight path between markers.
- Underground pipeline and utility line depth varies. Lines can be less than 12 inches below the surface.
- Pipeline and utility companies will locate the lines they own and maintain for free for farmers, ranchers and private landowners when they call 811.
- Some pipelines transport products that can contaminate soil and water. Clean up activities will delay planting and other land use during and after clean up, particularly for certified farms or specialty crops.
- Hitting, nicking and scraping an underground pipeline or utility line always results in damage.
The “811 Agricultural Safety Tips” PSAs are EVERGREEN and 30 seconds in length.
Download the Radio PSAs via Dropbox:
Dropbox Radio PSAs
Spokesperson Information
For more information on the 811 Agricultural Safety Tips Campaign from the Pipeline Operators for AG Safety (POAS) please contact Deanna Centurion,
Thank you in advance for helping the “The Pipeline Operators for Ag Safety (POAS) Campaign.” If you have any questions regarding media distribution, please contact Suzanne Gaudian, PSN Client Services, at 703.229.1208 or
We look forward to your participation!
Suzanne Gaudian
Pipeline Operators for Agricultural Safety- The Pipeline Operators for Ag Safety (POAS) Campaign is supported by a national group of agriculture co-ops, utility companies and pipeline operators. POAS helps protect those who farm and ranch near underground utilities and pipelines by promoting safe work procedures and encouraging ongoing dialog with pipeline and utility operators.
The Pipeline Association for Public Awareness (PAPA) promotes open communication and cooperation with local organizations to enhance public safety, improve emergency preparedness, protect the environment and prevent damage to property and facilities.
Common Ground Alliance (CGA) is the organization dedicated to protecting underground utility lines and the safety of people who dig near them, and is providing its “call before you dig” -811 logo in support of the POAS Campaign. CGA is a member-driven association of 1,700 individuals, organizations and sponsors in every facet of the underground utility industry. Established in 2000, CGA is committed to saving lives and preventing damage to underground infrastructure by promoting effective damage prevention practices. For more information, visit CGA on the web at